MAY 24,2017
Gracie. The scrappiest cat I know. We are her third home and her second family. Her first home wasn't kind to her; it was there that as a kitten she was thrown to a dog to be roughed up quite a bit, and abandoned when that home packed and left without her. She was quickly scooped up by the family that lived next door...and she was oh-so loved through and through, and her gentleness is a testament to that love. That family named her Gracie and even with a lot of work and patience, they couldn't get the other cats in the home to accept her. So be it, we are now her second family. Gracie was adopted into our home just a few weeks after Quinn came to us, in January.
Gracie Black Cat facts:
She has the longest razor claws I've ever seen in a cat. She has a single, white eyelash over her left eye. When she is happy she gives a double meow. She survived a coyote attack a couple of months ago which resulted in orthopedic surgery, glitter casts and a screw in her ankle. We called her peg-leg then... we now call her the 'million dollar cat'. I remember how loud and deep she purred in my arms after we found her injured outside our door early that morning. We did not have her for long at that point, but it was our bonding moment. Her favorite place is out under the scrub brush after a roll in the dirt. She earns her keep around here by bringing expertly dissected mice to the door for approval, on the regular. Recently she has been releasing live critters inside the house-first the chipmunk which I never saw leave the house, but I suppose it made its way out. There have been a few lizards and I'm sure a garter snake is in the near future. I'm convinced this means her love for us runs deep.
Gracie: inspired by grace (eloquence or beauty of form, kindness, mercy, favor)
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